One day, Jesus went up on a mountain with his disciples. He looked down and saw that there were many, many people in the crowd. Since it was already late, Jesus said, "Give them something to eat." The disciple Philip said, "Two hundred silver coins would not buy enough food for all of them." The disciples thought Jesus would send them to buy food in the nearby villages.
But Jesus said, "How much food is there? Go and see." The disciple Andrew answered, "There is a boy with five loaves of bread and two small fishes. But how can we feed so many people with so little food?"
Jesus said, "Make the people sit down." The disciples told the people to sit down in the green grass. There were about five thousand men in the crowd, and many women and children. Jesus took the bread and fishes. He looked up to heaven. Then He blessed the loaves and broke them. He handed the pieces to his disciples to give to the people. The fishes, too, were broken and given to the people.
Though the food was only a little, and the crowd was huge, there was plenty for everyone after Jesus blessed the food. When the people had eaten their fill, Jesus told his disciples to gather up the leftover pieces of bread and fish. They filled 12 big baskets with the pieces that were left after everyone had eaten.
Story Reference: John 6:1-14
1. What would have happened if the boy brought the 5 loaves of bread and the 2 small fishes did not share his food with Jesus?
2. What lessons can we learn from this story? What will happen if share what we have?
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Butterfly Craft and Sharing Hands Booklet
As the kids do this Butterfly craft or Sharing Hands booklet, they will learn the concept of sharing. Find the complete instructions for the Butterfly craft here and the Sharing Hands booklet here. As an option, instead of using colored tissue paper for the butterfly craft, you can also use colored construction paper.
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