When thinking about the word "New", the first Bible story that comes to my mind is the story of the beginning of life, that is the creation story as narrated in Genesis 1:1-2:3.
When telling the story, you can either use a storybook with attractive pictures or make your own pictures as follows
- for day 1 - darkness, in contrast to light; or you can ask the children to close their eyes as you begin telling the story.
- for day 2 - sky
- for day 3 - land and seas, plants and trees
- for day 4 - sun, moon and stars
- for day 5 - living creatures like the fish in the sea and birds of the air
- for day 6 - living land creatures (elephants, tigers, lions, bears, monkey, etc) and man.
- for day 7 - none because God rested and enjoyed all that He has made. He said and it was good.
Then, you can end the story by asking the children are they thankful that God created all these things for us? Take note that God created everything a man needs before creating man. It is important to teach the children that God is the Creator of everything and to be thankful for all the things that He has created for us to enjoy.
All images used are by Distant Shores Media/Sweet Publishing / CC BY-SA except the image for day 5 from Scene Vectors by Vecteezy. You can print the images for your Sunday School class use.
Review the story and let the children participate in telling the story.
1. Who created everything?
2. Can you tell what God made from day 1 up to day 6?
3 What did God do on the 7th day?
4. What would you like to say to God after hearing this story?
KIDS' SONG: If I Were a Butterfly
Since the children are learning about the different creatures God created, why not learn about this song.
MEMORY VERSE: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Creation Story Book. You can use the coloring pages of the creation story above for the children to color and create their own Creation Story Book. You can find and print an alternative mini-book version of the creation story here.
To let the children use their imagination and creativity, you can also make mini-books with empty pages where the children can draw and color to tell the creation story. Just fold about 3 pieces of bond paper and staple them together in the middle to make a mini-book.
Creation Mobile. The children can also create a creation mobile. The instructions can be found from DLTK-Bible's Creation Mobile page. You can also substitute other pictures that you want to hang on your mobile if you want to.
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