Do you know what week this is? We have all sorts of weeks, don't we! There is Sunday School week, Go to Church week, Boy Scout week, Red Cross week, Social Welfare week, Hospital week, Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. week. Sometimes we wish we could have one week all to ourselves.
Well, this is a special week. It is called Good Literature week. I want to tell you about Good Literature week by the use of these three letters, two R's and an A.
The first R stands for Read. By all means read. There is no excuse for not reading, there is so much to read. Indeed I think that is the chief difficulty, we have too much, at least too much of that which is not good to read. Here's the bulky daily paper. When it is delivered there is a rush for it. The children want the comic section. So do some of the grown-ups.
"A little nonsense now and then,
Is relished by the wisest men."
Is relished by the wisest men."
That is true, and all right, but read something beside the comics.
The second R is Remember. You cannot remember all that you read. You can remember much. You should train your mind to remember the best. John Ruskin, one of the most gifted of Englishmen, said, "To this I owe all that I have of power, to the fact that when I was a boy my mother made me learn, every day, and remember, a verse of the Bible."
Now the A. The A stands for, can you guess? It means Action. Read, remember what you read, and then apply it, put it into action. It is a fine thing to read a story like Pollyanna and get all excited over it. It is much finer to read Pollyanna and then put her spirit into action in the daily life of the home.
MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 119: 11
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Visit Kids Sunday School dot com to find lots of activity like games, crafts, skits and songs that reinforces teaching the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts. Just click on the free resources provided by the site that is marked by a blue dot on the left.
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