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Grow as Jesus Grew

This second Sunday morning of the New Year I desire to talk to you about growth. The most important holiday afterthought is the thought of growth. You are going to grow every day of this year.   Whenever I see a boy on his way to school, or on the field or gymnasium floor, running, romping, playing, I say to myself, "Can it be possible that this restless, energetic lad was ever a quiet, helpless little babe in the cradle!" Yes, he was, but he has grown, and he is going to keep right on growing.

It was said of the boy Jesus, "He grew." His growth was natural. There was nothing of unusual in the childhood of Jesus. He grew, just as every boy grows.
"A simple-hearted child was he,
And he was nothing more;
In summer days, like you and me,
He played about the door,
Or gathered, where the father toiled,
The shavings from the floor."

His growth continued. It did not stop with childhood, but right on through boyhood, youth and manhood he kept growing. Best of all, his growth was balanced. He grew physically, mentally and spiritually. He had a sound body. He loved the outdoors. He loved nature. Most of his stories were taken from living, growing things. He talked, almost chiefly, about seeds, grain, harvests, trees, birds and living waters.

Boys and girls, strive to grow. Be like your Master who grew inward, outward, and upward; selfward, manward, and Godward.  "How can I grow?" you ask.  I will tell you by passing on to you the secret as given by Maltbie Babcock.


MEMORY VERSE: Luke 2: 40
And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.

Print this Activity Sheet about Jesus as a Boy.
For younger kids, they can draw and color this All About Me page from Crayola.
Print this free Giraffe Height Chart courtesy of TeacherHelp dot org and have fun measuring the height of the kids. Each one would just love to be measured and see from time to time how they have grown.

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